Weapons Used on the Castle

The knights had to use weapons on the castle or they just might not survive.They had many weapons that they used.Some of these weapons that I have explained below are the most common ones they used.Here are some of the weapons that were common used.They had great swords which were two handed swords. They are larger than an ordinary sword. They were swung with both hands to deliver a powerful blow. A knight would hang a sword in his saddle with his regular sword just in case. They also have a shining sword which was a sword. The sword has a copper gilt cross guard. But only the knight that were able to purchase it. Another weapon they used was the battle ax. It was developed in northern Europe for the Vikings to use. This weapon was supposed to be used by a well trained knight. It is used with both hands and then swung. There was another ax but just wider. It is called a pole ax. It was good in battles and foot combat. It is used to strike the opponents head and the solid hammer-head at the back. There is also another ax called the short ax. The knights used the short ax as a single-handed ax for use on the horseback. The knights used the smallest weapon called a dagger. Daggers were used as a back-up sword because sometimes the sword was knocked out of the knights’ hands. Also, knights used a weapon called a lance. Lances were long and came in many sizes. They were made of wood and were painted. Maces were also another wooden weapon used by knights. They were shaped like clubs with spikes stuck into them. They used bow and arrows. One kind of bow and arrow was the longbow. This kind of bow was made out of wood and as tall as the knight.They had even war bows.They was at least 80 pounds. Crossbows were also another kind of bow. They were made out of wood or horn. They attached the string to a hook in his belt and straightened his back until the string slipped over the retaining catch on the crossbar of the weapon. The bow was usually shot by means of some kind of trigger. That is all the weapons they used to attack the castle.

Castle Sieges

  A common way of attacking a stone castle was by placing it under siege and that the food supply would decrease. Attackers would surround a castle with both men and catapults so that no one could enter or leave the castle. Sieges could last for months, usually until the people of the castle ran out of food and were starving. One of the castle owner's main line of defense against siege was to send all women, children, old, weak and sick people out of the castle. This meant that only those strong enough to fight off attackers remained in the castle. This was called a castle siege which killed many people in the medieval times.

Castle Attack

The purpose of a castle in Medieval Europe was to protect the lord or king from attack. There were three ways to take a castle. One way was to avoid the castle and take the lands around it. The second way to take a castle was to siege it. They would attack the castle from its weakest points and dig tunnels under the castle to collapse it. Third method was to besiege it, which required the enemy to wait and starve the castle into surrendering.

All about the Knights

Knight had to wear a lot of armor. He had weapons that he depended on his squire to keep his armor and weapons clean and in good working condition. At first the armor was made of small metal rings called chain mail. A knight wore a linen shirt and a pair of pants as well as heavy woolen pads underneath the metal-ringed tunic. A suit of chain mail could have more than 200,000 rings. However, chain mail was heavy, uncomfortable, and difficult to move in. Knights covered their bodies with plates of metal. Plates covered their chests, back, arms, and legs. A bucket like helmet protected the knight’s head and had a hinged metal to cover his face. Suits of armor were hot, uncomfortable, and heavy to wear. A suit of armor weighed between forty and sixty pounds. Some knights even protected their horses in armor. A knight also needed a shield to hold in front of himself during battle. Shields were made of either wood or metal. Knights decorated their shields with their family emblem or crest and the family motto. A knight’s weapon was his sword, which was about thirty-two pounds. It was worn on his left side in a case fastened around his waist. A knife was worn on the knight’s right side to attack.

Zoomed in Amor

Armor of the knight.



Castles were often the specific targets for enemies for several reasons. One was that they wanted to take over the land. If they took over the castle, the control panel for the land, they would capture the land. Another reason was that they wanted to defeat their enemy.